Best High Performance Sand Filter System, for Above Ground Pool, with 2HP Pump and 22" Tank For Sale.
You can buy High Performance Sand Filter System, for Above Ground Pool, with 2HP Pump and 22" Tank at best price with super saver shipping. See more prices, shipping options, availability and additional information about High Performance Sand Filter System, for Above Ground Pool, with 2HP Pump and 22" Tank by click the link on the bottom of this post.
Our High Performance Sand Filter System comes with everything you need to get you pool up and running!! 1- 2ft hose, 2- 6ft black hoses, 3-1.5" hose clamps, 1- multi-port collar clamp, 1 plastic tank base and strainer basket with 6" trap and clear lid. This 2HP motor and 22 inch tank will keep your pool clear all year long with its one piece body and visable pressure gauge. Corrosion proof body for all-weather performance and extended system life. It also features a top mount 7-way position valve for your convience. ON/OFF PMX Pump. 2HP Motor has impeler design for superior performance. 6000 gal per hour. This Sand Filter System is Great for all size Above Ground Pools!
High Performance Sand Filter System, for Above Ground Pool, with 2HP Pump and 22" Tank
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High Performance Sand Filter System, for Above Ground Pool, with 2HP Pump and 22" Tank Overview:
- Sand Filter System complete with hoses & 7-way position valve.
- Great for any size Above Ground Pools / 6000 GPH
- Industry standard 7-way position backwash valve.
- 1 Yr Manufacturer's Warranty
- Requires 200 pounds of fitler sand - sand not included.

High Performance Sand Filter Reviews,

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